How to Contact Bosch Customer Service

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Bosch is a multinational engineering and technology company known for producing high-quality home appliances, automotive parts, and industrial equipment. Despite the quality of Bosch products, customers may still encounter issues or have questions about their products. This is where Bosch customer service comes in. In this article, we'll discuss how to contact Bosch customer service and the different ways you can get in touch with them.

Contact Bosch Customer Service via Phone

The easiest and most common way to contact Bosch customer service is by phone. The company provides different phone numbers for different product categories. Below are some of the phone numbers you can use to contact Bosch customer service:

  • Home Appliances: 1-800-944-2904
  • Power Tools: 1-877-BOSCH99 (1-877-267-2499)
  • Automotive Aftermarket: 1-800-228-7667
  • Security Systems: 1-800-289-0096

When calling Bosch customer service, make sure to have your product's model number and serial number on hand. This will help the representative identify your product and provide you with the appropriate assistance.

Contact Bosch Customer Service via Email

Another way to contact Bosch customer service is through email. You can send your questions or concerns to their customer service email address, which is provided on their website. It is important to include your contact information and product details, such as the model number and serial number, in your email.

Contact Bosch Customer Service via Chat

Bosch also offers a live chat service on their website for customers who prefer to communicate through instant messaging. To access the chat service, go to the Bosch website and click on the "Support" tab. From there, click on "Contact Customer Service" and then select "Chat." A representative will be available to assist you with your questions or concerns.

Contact Bosch Customer Service via Social Media

Bosch is also active on various social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter. You can send them a message or tag them in a post regarding your concerns or questions. However, it's important to note that social media may not be the most reliable method of communication as response times may vary.

Important Tips for Contacting Bosch Customer Service

Bosch is a popular brand known for its high-quality home appliances and products. However, even the best products can sometimes develop issues or require assistance. In such cases, contacting customer service of Bosch can be a great help.

Here are some important tips to keep in mind when contacting Bosch customer service:

  1. Prepare your information: Before contacting customer service, make sure you have all the necessary information ready. This includes your product's model number, serial number, and purchase date. Having this information on hand can help customer service representatives quickly identify and resolve your issue.

  2. Check the warranty: If you are experiencing a problem with your Bosch product, check to see if it is still under warranty. Bosch offers limited warranties on its products, and if your product is still covered, you may be eligible for a free repair or replacement. If your warranty has expired, you may need to pay for the repair or replacement.

  3. Be clear and concise: When speaking with customer service representatives, be clear and concise about the issue you are experiencing. Provide as much detail as possible, but avoid rambling or going off-topic. This will help the representative better understand your issue and provide a solution more quickly.

  4. Be patient: Customer service representatives are there to help, but they may be dealing with a large volume of calls or inquiries. Be patient and courteous, and avoid becoming frustrated or angry. Remember, the representative is there to assist you and will do their best to resolve your issue.

  5. Follow up: If you do not receive a satisfactory resolution to your issue, follow up with Bosch customer service. Be persistent and escalate the issue if necessary. You can also consider contacting Bosch through social media or email if you are not getting a response through phone or chat.


Bosch offers different options for customers to contact their customer service team. Whether it's via phone, email, live chat, or social media, you can easily get in touch with them to ask questions, voice concerns, or request assistance with your Bosch products. When reaching out to their customer service team, make sure to provide all the necessary information about your product to ensure a timely and efficient resolution to your issue.

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